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The Loyal Escorts of the Green Garter (LE's) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and the auxiliary of the Women Marines Association (WMA). Established in 1972, LE's has continually supported WMA in achieving its national goals through various means.
Our mission is to assist the WMA and engage in educational and charitable activities within our communities. We contribute an annual scholarship to support educational advancement, and we sponsor and present awards to chapters for notable achievements at each convention, thereby promoting the seven purposes outlined in the WMA Bylaws.
LE's members are dedicated to "aiding, assisting, and escorting" WMA members in their roles as delegates at WMA conventions and other functions. We convene biennially alongside the WMA national convention at the chosen site. Members participating in the convention register as "Loyal Escorts of the Green Garter delegates," presenting a current membership card and taking part in general meetings where all society business is conducted.
The Loyal Escorts of the Green Garter seek innovative fundraising ideas to bolster our efforts in supporting Veterans. We welcome all suggestions! Traditionally, we raise funds during the WMA Biennial Convention, but with the growing importance of electronic communication and the need to enhance our member services platform, we're looking to increase our fundraising activities outside of Convention times. Let's band together to achieve this goal!
The Loyal Escorts work along with WMA members on charitable chapter activities and within their communities.
Some of the programs we are proud to have done in the past, and are looking forward to doing in the future include: